Add buying Hornets tickets to the list of things to do in 2008.
Four New Orleans firefighters were among six men indicted Friday on federal gun and drug charges, U.S. Attorney Jim Letten announced.
According to Kathy English, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, all six men were named in a 24 count indictment and charged with conspiracy to distribute 50 grams or more of crack cocaine and 100 grams or more of heroin. Additional charges were applied to each of the six men named.
The firefighters were identified as Milton Joseph IV, 25; Wayne Williams II, 28; Aaron White, 24; and Eddie Sandifer III, 22. The other two men named in the indictment were 34-year-old Lawrence Honore and 40-year-old Damon Burkhalter.
English said court documents indicate undercover authorities began to investigate the six men in late May 2007. The indictment also said White rented a home in the 1400 block of North Derbigny Street for the purpose of storing, packaging and selling heroin.
If convicted, Williams faces a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, a fine of $19.5 million and five years of supervised released if he’s ever let out of jail, English said. Likewise, Joseph faces life imprisonment, as well as a $6.25 million fine and five years of supervised release. White could also be sentenced to life in jail if convicted, pay a $5.25 million fine and undergo five years supervised release. Burkhalter, Honore and Sandifer each face life imprisonment, a $4.25 million fine and five years of supervised release.
Joseph, Williams, White and Sandifer are currently employed as New Orleans firemen, but have been placed on suspension pending the outcome of a trial, English said.
I truly love my job. I am one of those cats that get ready for the next work day as soon as he gets home from the previous one to make sure the morning goes smoothly. There are some Mondays however where the only word to describe how you feel about getting the work week started is………………SHIT!!
I guess today is one of those days. During days like this I am usually not up for any real stimulating conversation. I’m blocking things out. I guess that applies to this blog as well. I could write a letter to George Bush thanking him for making me realize how he screwed our recovery to make Blanco look bad from his comments last week. I could use the fact that there was a sellout crowd at a football game in
Bobby Jindal is the governor-elect of
Hey Bobby, with such an impressive victory for the Republican Party, wouldn’t now be a good time to go to the White House and get George to send us a few billion dollars to make up that Road Home short fall? The plan was flawed, full of red tape and Blanco designed it in a way that showed a lack of trust in her own citizens but the positive effects of it are visible.
That's my agenda. Make your own decisions.......except for Tommie Vassel.
For some reason, not all my friends had the same reaction to Harry's passing.
I have a question for conservatives. How did this guy get so popular with you? I have looked all over for something in his past that qualifies him to be a spokesman for the right wing agenda and have found nothing. He hasn’t worked for any Republican politicians. He didn’t go to school with Karl Rove. He’s not a member of Dick Cheney’s hunting party. I haven’t found one thing to make you guys love him so much other than the fact he’s on FOX news and says exactly what you want to hear. I’m not the biggest fan of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton but at least they have a history of activism that validates what they try to do. This guy was hosting Inside Edition and would probably be covering stories like why Paris and Nicole aren’t friends anymore if he hadn’t gotten replaced. Does that sound like the champion of American values to you? You people are so gullible. For all we know O’Reilly and Limbaugh get together on the weekends. They pop in a Tupac CD, roll up a fat one and laugh about how they are robbing you fools blind by validating your narrow minded way of thinking.
Business travel sure isn’t like it is on the commercials. It’s boring. You don’t get to sleep late because the itinerary starts at 8:00 AM and then when it’s over you have to act like you want to socialize with these people just because you are at the same conference. Needless to say when you get home all you want is peace and quiet. I have been on two trips in the last two weeks and every time I get home my neighbor’s wife is tripping. We have been living next door to one another for years and never had a problem. Now, she has been home from
Everyone in this neighborhood had the same damn flood water. There are lots of people who haven’t been able to get back or just got back recently. You ain’t the only angry stressed out person around here. You should have kept your ugly, angry ass in
I read a post over at M.D. Filter’s blog that struck me. He listed all the names of the murder victims in
The first thing is that the Jena 6 Rally was not to excuse the actions of the kids involved. It was to call attention to the unbalanced charges given by the district attorney. That deserved attention no matter what is happening on the streets of the inner city. That’s an entirely different issue than black on black crime.
There is a difficulty with black on black crime as it relates to a solution. In my opinion, the only way to truly come up with a solution to this problem is to admit that the last 40 years after integration have been a failure and people gave too much to that struggle to admit that. This fight against destructive behavior would be easy if some group of old white men came out and admitted they have been altering the minds of young black people and influencing them to hate one another on a large scale. That would change everything really fast but it’s not going to happen. Black Americans feel a common bond to each other more than any other group. That’s a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing when something like
What the rest of the nation is seeing is an internal struggle. It’s a struggle that leads to questions to ponder. Did we embrace the drug culture and subsequent violence because of the money involved? Have black men not had enough control over their need for sex, creating too many kids that were unplanned and abandoned? Are we making the educational system a scapegoat for the lack of home training? Many of our great grandparents could barely read and write and there wasn’t 300 murders a year in major cities. Have the black upper and middle class spent too much time convincing themselves that they have overcame and not enough time in the community trying to help? Is that even their obligation and if it’s not then who’s is it? What about the church’s effectiveness? Having a rally won’t do anything to answer these questions. These issues will only be solved from open and honest discussion. The solution won’t be easy to achieve and I am afraid that there will be more death before we even get close.