Monday, March 13, 2006

I haven't been blogging as much as I would like. The reason is that in order for me to sit down and write something that makes any kind of sense I need to be comfortable. My job has turned into a real busy place temporarily so there isn't allot of time to do it here. It is way to hot to type anything longer than an email in the office room at the house I am staying in. I have written allot about how hard it is to be down here in New Orleans by myself. However, it has provided one good thing and that is the ability to get my thoughts and emotions together without allot of interruption. I have discovered that people don't call me when I am here to talk about things that I don't want to always listen to. In a strange way, I am basically free to think and reflect on my own while I am here. I think that's what I need. I am not at the point where everything is in the past but the post Katrina stress is not so heavy. There are actually some days I go through without thinking about it too much. If it wasn't for my grandma, and my dog I probably wouldn't even cry anymore. Although I feel better, I am not on a mission to feel normal as quickly as possible. It's hard enough for most people to get over one thing in their life changing. Try getting used to everything being different in some way and keeping your sanity. Through it l I have managed to keep my sense of humor and charm intact. Those are the tools I will use to seek out my new sense of normalcy.

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