Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Mind Blowin Volume 1

I started writing this yesterday. I had to wipe out the first part and change it. I want to say rest in peace to my grandpa Walter Harris Sr. In honor of him, I will do just what I think he would have wanted me to. I am going to work, and move on. He lived a full life and I need to live mine that way.
Now that we have that out of the way, I decided to give all this random stuff a name so it would appear that I am creative. Without further ado, I present to you Mind Blowin Volume 1.

R.I.P. Johnnie Cochran

Message to the Juice................You better be careful to not even jaywalk.

Have you ever been so bored at a meeting that you told a joke to yourself and then started laughing out loud? Happened to me yesterday.

Record store moment #1 - I was bobbing my head to this song on the speaker and I couldn't recognize the MC. I asked the cashier and was stunned when he told me the song was by WILL FREAKING SMITH! Unbelievable moment.

Record store moment #2 - I realized after 15 years of shopping Tower Records in the French Quarter, that they are racially profiling their customers. All the 50 cent, G-unit, and hardcore hip hop is behind the counter.

I am not an expert in science to have evidence of this and I hope this doesn't sound prejudice or condones breeding slaves in anyway......But when it comes to bodies, the African American woman is the Rolls Royce of nature. There isn't a workout tape or training regiment created that can turn you into Serena Williams. That's strictly DNA.

The biggest problem with people in New Orleans is not their lack of education. It's their complacency to sit back and watch group after group of politicians and outsiders steal and misuse every single resource available. We probably would be so uneducated if this didn't happen.

The Michael Basden show, 'Lust,Lies and Love' may be the best radio show ever. We also need to read some of his books.

Finally.....Note to New Orleans Parking Department,
The least you can do if you want me to use these overpriced meters that you installed is to make them able to use their damn debit cards.

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