Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I am going to put aside my pro negro issue driven, flooded community, bad health care, messed up school system, tired of crime, sick of politicians state of mind for a minute…….

Seeing the brother leading the ticket for the White House is a pretty historic thing that I have to acknowledge. I can not under state the impact Senator Obama has on the people. I haven’t gotten that cynical where the sight of the guys in the sports bar yesterday evening watching CNN and discussing politics instead of watching ESPN didn’t move me.

I will now go back to being issue driven and angry now.


Mark Folse said...

Shit, somebody has to be excited instead of angry or cynical. I'm trying to figure out my own head on this. Hell, I used to work for guys like this. I changed my registration from Independent (when I was a journalist) to Democrat in '84 to vote for Jesse. And I still can't seem to muster up any enthusiasm here.

Can America do this? Will it make any difference to New Orleans?

And does the answer to both questions change if I don't start to get excited? Guess I need to take some ownership here, and give the nation to the north one last chance.

A.F. said...

I started to write about some truly depressing reality today, but then I looked at a photo of last night's event, similar to the one you have posted here, and thought, no. The same messed up circumstances will still he bere tomorrow, but this is a moment of joy.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

that bald fist dap pic was classic

just added u to my blog roll if u dont mind