Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Same Thing For Every Child

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sitting On My Porch Part Fifty Seven
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Week 7: Cleveland, Coaching And Other Stuff

Thursday, October 21, 2010
I'm Just Trying To Make It Easier
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Rent Really Is Too Damn High
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wishing The Governor Safe Travel
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Week 6: Missing Our Running Backs and Is Something Wrong With Drew?

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sitting On My Porch Part Fifty Six
Today my mayor is going to present the next city budget. Giving the current financial situation my expectations are simple. I will be happy if parking too close to a fire hydrant isn’t a 700 dollar fine or we are not down to once a month trash collection. I live in New Orleans East so it might be every three months for us. Other than that I am bracing for sacrifice. I’m willing to accept anything as long as he does announce a new board or commission. College administrations’ time is already stretched too thin.
I have been really bored by the midterm election coverage since the campaign started the day after Barack Obama was inaugurated. There are only so many times you can listen to the same thing over and over before it gets on your nerves. I just want the Republicans to hurry up and win so we can see if they actually have the guts to mess with Social Security and Medicaid. At this point I am tired of equally guilty people placing blame on one another. I just want someone to do something constructive.
The new issue this week is the mysterious donations to the 501c4 political organizations. Why is this a big deal? American companies make investments and send money and jobs to other countries every day. The majority of the investments of the rich everyone wants to keep tax cuts in place for go overseas. You knew once the Supreme Court said companies could get involved with campaign finance this was going to happen. Is there any American with an education higher than the sixth grade that still believes regular people have anything to do with political campaigns outside of the voting itself?
If you follow the Tea Party and honestly think that the 50 bucks you and your co workers sent in to your local senate candidate really had something to do with that ad he or she is running every fifteen minutes on television and radio you are very naïve.
If you are a President Obama supporter that really thinks enough old black people in the south sent in 20 dollar donations to help him beat Jon McCain you are very naïve too.
As long as there is no real campaign finance reform every politician elected will have to answer to someone other than the people who actually voted for them. All you can hope for is that the person you voted for doesn’t owe a corporation that wants to send your job to Asia or South America.
This Brett Favre story about him sending pictures to this lady was worth the daily updates about him thinking retirement. Did he take them in the mirror of the bathroom like people do on Facebook? If he doesn’t come back to lead the Vikings to the championship the Saints stole from them this never happens. I want to thank Brad Childress for having no faith in Tavaris Jackson and the three teammates that came down to Hattiesburg to beg Brett to come back.
Is Drew Brees having the Madden Curse?
I want to give a shout out to New Orleans’ own Ron Washington the manager of the Texas Rangers for leading them to their first ever playoff win.
First I said I would never join Facebook but I went back on that. Then I said I would never join Twitter and I went back on that. My track record isn’t good but I have another vow that I am sure I will keep. I will never ever ever watch Glee. I don’t care if they have a Tupac tribute episode next season I’m not doing it. I have to draw the line somewhere.
In response to the BET awards I watched the other night which featured a performance by Antoine “raping everybody” Dobson and my obvious bias to anything New Orleans, I endorse this video.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Small Things Go A Long Way

Big Cliff thought me how to tie my own tie when I was 11 years old right before my sixth grade graduation. I remember that because it was the first time I did it myself and it took about five tries to get it lined up properly. Those are the kind of things that come back to you when you get older and read stories like this one. It’s also the kind of thing that gave me a blueprint on how to behave and carry myself. I know a lot of young black men in our city don’t have that at home or even another man close to them that give it to them. When my daughter Gabby graduated from Kindergarten there was a bunch of little boys when ties around their necks that weren’t tied. A few of them were with their daddies and that made me depressed. The two little boys whose ties I fixed still speak to me when they see me around the school. I take a little pride in passing that down even though they probably can’t remember how I did it. That’s okay. I would go back every time they needed to dress up to show them again.
It’s necessary to admit that as a community we are really starting from a basic level of just showing some of these young men things like how to tie a tie but we are. There’s two ways we can handle it. We can sit around and shake our heads while we wait for the super hero to fly in and instantly change the social issues that leads these kids down the wrong road. That option is not going to work. The other thing we can do is take one or as many as your life can handle and try to show them things that may make them look at life differently. That’s why I finally joined the mentoring program. I learned too many things from great men in my life to let it go to waste. You can’t change where they live or what circumstances they were born into but sometimes simple things like being able to stand in the mirror and fix your clothes like a man can give you just enough self worth to look into other options besides the street life.
I want to give a shout out to the mayor for participating and being a mayor of the people no matter what color or background. Stuff like this helps bring the city together. I want to give props to Andre Perry who puts actions behind his words. The next time something like this is going on I want to be in on it. I would love to show a young man the Harris method for tying a tie and why I believe in the proper use of a good pair of suspenders.
Sometimes you need a morale booster.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Where's The Local Stereotypical Flavor?
Over the weekend I watched a lot of football. It had to be at least ten different games. On ever local station a game was on I must have saw this David Vitter commercial about Charlie Melancon with the illegal aliens receiving a warm reception at least 20 times. I heard on cable news last week that several senators around the country were going to use this exact same commercial and just change the name of the democratic senator they were running against.
First of all David Vitter doesn’t need to do this since most of his district is just going to vote for him because of President Obama. Congressman Melancon never stood a chance. Secondly, I find this commercial very disappointing. Senator Vitter is from
How about when the illegal aliens come through the gate five brothers with dreadlocks and their pregnant girlfriends with four other kids wearing
That’s the kind of use of stereotypes I could appreciate. Hopefully, next time if he gets a real opponent he can dig deeper than he did this time around.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Week 5: A Message To The Fans

Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Server's Down At Work Today
It’s a beautiful day outside today. New Orleans has been on a winning streak as far as weather is concerned. I decided to take a ride at lunch with my window down and enjoy the breeze. It was reporting time at work so I have been locked in this office all day plus taking work home to try and get everything looking good. I’m still fine tuning the process so we won’t have to do that all the time. This instance has been better than the previous ones so I got a chance to take it easier. The kids have fall break from school right now so I took a long way to work this morning. I have been taking the stairs in the morning and usually I am here before everyone so if I need to pause between floors or give up and catch the elevator before my floor no one knows. Because I was later this morning I ended up taking the stairs with our CEO. Now, she takes the stairs everyday and weighs 100 pounds soaking wet. Now I had to walk and talk with her and try not to throw up while my chest explodes. I survived but it took me 20 minutes to recover. I’m encouraged by that because it would usually take an hour. I’m winning.
Yesterday I went on a field trip to the library. Those are always an adventure. There was another dad chaperoning with me from the other class that went on the trip. I thought that was real cool even though he didn’t help me carry that heavy ass cooler full of milks for lunch. Hopefully someone is fixing this man a big dinner or big breakfast. I was thinking this morning about how black people have this belief that you shouldn’t give praise and attention to men for things they are supposed to do like taking care of their kids and not going to jail. It might be time to change that because one of the problems we have with violence and crime is the fact that we have too many people in our community frustrated with living a regular life. If everyone is obsessed with getting their shine on we are never going to be able to deal with the issue properly because we have a long way to go before we can expect entire neighborhoods to make six figure salaries. These kids are very perceptive just like we were as youngsters. They know you can’t get a lot more attention being Sport T the downtown gangster instead of Terrance the dude that paints houses. We have to start showing some love to these regular everyday heroes so these little boys can learn that responsibility is sexy.
I have a real good Saints post to write later. I might sit outside and write it later while I smoke a nice cigar from Mayan Imports and enjoy the lack of humidity. I’m one of those people that have a favorite for everything but I will always try something different especially if I am being cheap and something is on sale. I tried some unknown brand of cigars the other day just because they were being discontinued and were on sale. It took Listerine, Scope, Colgate and Crest to get the taste out of my mouth. There’s a reason why things get discontinued.
I think it’s time to go home……
And I am feeling this song………
TheSeKondElement – Closer Pt. 2
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Giving Up Is Not An Option

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Week Four: Here Comes Steve Smith

Pre Saints Post Lagniappe
Before I talk about the Saints I have a few lagniappe things to address. I was a little too busy at work this week to devote any of that time to blogging and my personal writing space at home has been temporarily taken over for repairs so I am late on this topic. Nowadays we spend a lot of time dogging leadership and finding out what they did wrong. We need to take a moment and give props when they do things well.
I thought Mayor Landrieu, Chief Serpas, and the community handled the Jeremy Galmon murder case about as well as you could handle something like that. I don’t there’s a happy ending possible unless he came back to life but quickly finding out who did it and supporting the family will hopefully make it easier. At one point during the week I thought the mayor was going to suit up and go make the arrest himself. There are some places in this world that can get by with a figurehead type of leader that delegates everything but New Orleans isn’t one of those places right now. We need a leader that’s going to get out there and put some work in. So far, I have no problems with the mayor in that regard.
I went to vote this morning at about 10:00AM and I was the only person that had shown up on my page by then. I’m pretty sure the turnout is going to be really low and that is unacceptable. I know we are disenchanted with politicians but even if you don’t like anyone running you should just go and sign your name on the roll. That way there might be another person who sees’s your interest and decides to get involved because he or she thinks they can win by doing what we want. What reason does anyone have to work on our behalf if we don’t really care? You may not like the system but it’s the only one we have.
I voted No to the NORD reform charter change because I don’t think the city can fund it properly or the business community will really invest financially in the neighborhoods mostly affected by this change. There's nothing I could see as evidence the business community is willing to do it. If they do and it works out I will admit I’m wrong. If nothing changes the way I expect that it won’t then I am going to be angry and talk bad about a lot of people. Either way I will give it a chance since the majority wanted it that way. Next week someone is going to start talking to me about how the shadow government is taking over and how those people will never do anything for the young black kids. Before they can finish I will ask them when the last time they voted was. If it’s been so long that they can’t remember I will ignore them because you didn’t care enough to vote on the kids then I don’t want to hear about your conspiracy theories.