First of all I want to let everyone know that I am okay.
If Isaac hadn’t decided to make his slow journey through the
state of Louisiana I would have been at Commander’s Palace with my employees
today. I had plans to wear my Saints tie and everything. I would have taken a
few minutes of silence for my grandmother and the other victims of Katrina like
I always do on today and moved on as best I could.
I don’t know what is about hurricanes in South Louisiana and
August 29th. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take that day off of the
calendar around here. It was seven years ago on this day that might life
literally changed forever. It’s the reason I left for higher ground for this
storm. Thanks to my employer I have a room in Baton Rouge. I know the storm
passed here too but there are no levees to worry about and that’s enough for me
to feel safe.
I have a problem
dealing with any storm that I know is going to have a surge that may affect levees.
I would go so far as to admit that I am a bit afraid of storms like that. I don’t
think I ever actually used those words before but it’s true. I don’t feel
uncomfortable saying it. It’s valid. Losing someone you love in that situation
makes it difficult to accept that the new levee system is going to stop it from
happening again. It looks impressive but it’s not battle tested and I didn’t
want to take the change. I’m not mad at anyone for staying but I understand the
rationale of anyone who left.
My home and my city took a beating from Hurricane Isaac but survived.
Unfortunately my friends and neighbors in a few surrounding areas didn’t make
out so well. To the people of Plaquemines Parish and Laplace I understand what
you are going through. The thing to remember is that you still have your lives
and all the homes can be replaced. I hardly ever think about material things I
lost in Katrina anymore. It’s the people that I can’t get over. If you still have one another you are doing
okay because there’s nothing more important than what we have in each other.