Friday, March 6, 2009

Benjamin Button Speaks for New Orleans Again

Since my city seems to subcontract and outsource every thing else, I would like to subcontract the job of city spokesman to Brad Pitt. I can’t say enough good things about this guy. While most of our local leaders and media are arguing about emails and what group gets to give their rich friends and contributors money, Brad Pitt is on Capitol Hill trying to get money to help rebuild the Ninth Ward. I want people outside of the New Orleans area who read this to understand that these houses he's building are not in a neighborhood full of influential people. I would actually say that on the pecking order the Lower Nine was always at the bottom of the ladder. There's really nothing to gain in this city by helping the folks he's helping except for the satisfaction that he corrected a terrible wrong for as many people who move back because of him. I wish he could run for councilman at large but I am sure he’s too busy making movies and stuff. Plus he’s getting more tangible things done just being himself anyway. What makes his visit to Congress so impressive to me is that the country is going through a tough financial crisis and he went to ask anyway and he should have. He’s representing one of the few groups of people that can actually say the government owes them something. I just hope if he wins any new funds from the government they send it to him and not our city leadership because it’s going to take ten years of arguing to figure out where and how to spend it. Brad gets money and houses get built. That’s the end of the story. Before he started this work the best thing I could say about the man is that he starred in one of the greatest movies ever Snatch. Now I realize that I wasn’t given him enough credit for being the person he is. We haven’t shown this man enough appreciation.

Maybe we can have a Brad Pitt day down at City Hall and give him a second line parade or something. We should be able to get that done as long as it doesn't require emails, trash pickup, city take home vehicles or any cameras.


Anonymous said...

I second that motion - seriously!

I wonder how you get that going? Ordinarily I'd email one of the council members but now I'm scared to LOL!

Klou said...

I agree wholeheartedly. Brad Pitt deserves recognition, but he would be the first not to want to be in the limelight for this. He truly talks the talk.

mominem said...

When he started this a lot of people though it was the newest celebrity charity promotion. I wasn't sure.

He walks the walk. He has gotten more people into house the the entire city government.

He deserves a high priase, but I now think he's do it if no one noticed.

Hadacol said...

What I like about the guy is that I really don't think he cares a hank about whether he gets any credit for his efforts. I'm not sure what drives the guy in this stuff, but it's sure enough not anything financial. He's into it. Applause is deserved.

Clifton said...

And what better way to show the world we are not a bunch of clowns than to show appreciation for someone who does something good on our behalf.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you say, Cliff. But you know Stacy Head would just call him an "activist." (Imagine scare quotes please.) Wish Stacy Head would go to Hollywood and Brad would serve on the City Council. Sigh.

Pistolette said...

You're right. I know Brad and his girl Angelina are often mocked, but I've never seen two modern celebrities put their money and their actions so powerfully behind their humble words (no preachy self-absorbed celebu-rants from these two). They really seem like genuine people (which is damn near a miracle in hollywood).

PS: Snatch is one of my top 5 films ever! I love to watch the DVD with the 'pikey' subtitles.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Brad Pitt should be our spokesperson for the city.

(Read his bio on Wikipaedia- I'm not much into film/TV folks, but he and Jolie blow me away in their sincerity to their causes.)

Anonymous said...

If he isn't genuine, I think it would go down as the most elaborate ruse EVER.

I happen to be one of those people who believe that he's the real deal. It's refreshing to see people who actually mean what they say and act on it.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...


ruee said...

i couldn't agree more!! :)
i lobe him .