Thursday, August 9, 2007

Big Uncle

This blog is dedicated today to Pastor Arthur Harris of the Greater Beulah Land Baptist Church in New Orleans, Louisiana. His church building was destroyed in the Lower Ninth Ward because of Katrina. That forced him to relocate to a new location…….his living room. That’s right. His living room is serving as a full church. There’s even a piano up there. I am not the most church going brother in the world but I respect the fact he was willing to turn his own home into a place of worship for his members. They all should be commended for staying dedicated. Most likely all of them are starting from scratch. This is just one of many stories like this in the city that gets no recognition from the local news. Always remember that for every story you read about someone in New Orleans doing something wrong, there are three stories like this one. That’s why today is dedicated to a good man like Pastor Harris. He’s down here trying to help people.

Plus, he’s my dad’s younger brother, which means he has #2 Harris man spot behind the older Cliff and in front of the younger one. I don’t mind following behind those two cats. Here’s to my Big Uncle. I promise I will visit one day. If you are riding down Broad St. and see his sign, stop and say hello. Be sure to have your bible with you and be prepared because he always is.

1 comment:

BigCheze said...

much love to u big brother, i'm glad i can follow behind u too......Love always